Random Writing
What is a topic that has piqued your intellectual curiosity? Why is this topic interesting to you and how have you sought to learn more about it?
I deeply enjoy history as it has been my life passion for as long as I could remember. Ever since I could read, I’ve looked through books for facts about the stories recounting how our world came to the state that it is in. I find history so compelling since it is a long endless chronicle of stories about us as a species. Our biggest achievements and failures are available to all, and regardless of how much you already know, there are endless developments occurring each day.
While I am extraordinarily invested in early civilizations, my favorie era is the early modern period. Whether it is the rise of Prussia And The Austrian Empire, or Peter the Great’s reign on Russia, or anything else for that matter, I enjoy learning about it all. I hope to have similarly engaging conversations with the Columbia professors and educators involved with this program!
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In iaculis dolor congue vel. Sed suscipit aliquam urna non tincidunt. Etiam vel feugiat eros. Mauris feugiat odio non facilisis elementum. Fusce laoreet tincidunt commodo. Vivamus nunc elit, fringilla ac laoreet sed, mollis ut nulla. Donec ultricies justo id nunc efficitur, non feugiat est pellentesque. Pellentesque in elit sodales, vestibulum arcu nec, eleifend justo.
Nunc in scelerisque metus, sed volutpat diam. Duis ac diam eget dolor vestibulum molestie. Suspendisse euismod magna mauris, ut malesuada velit mollis nec. Fusce vel orci mi. In lacinia mauris in nunc commodo, ac viverra orci tristique. Sed et ornare urna. Pellentesque ipsum nunc, convallis et efficitur vel, egestas vel tellus. Sed volutpat auctor quam, eget ornare massa sollicitudin ac. Aliquam quis enim ultrices, vehicula neque vitae, lobortis libero. Aliquam tempor, lorem sed vulputate varius, ante turpis commodo urna, in gravida libero ipsum vel metus. Phasellus eleifend luctus blandit.