Masters Affinity Club

As the President and Founder of the Masters Majority Affinity Club, I humbly offer you a chance to partake in some of our weekend of culture. We will have a trip to a Home Depot. We will have a pot lock consisting these foods: hamburgers french fries and mashed potatoes. the drinks on the menu are, pumpkin spice coffee, Starbucks and sparkling water. We also ask that you partake in our ethnically accurate music commonly referred to as country and dad rock. We also hope that you take part in our Lip Sync Music Day from 2000’s, “White Girl Music.” It is a local tradition to make fun of listeners of this said music but secretly this music has the curse of being trapped in every listeners mind for years to come. We will also be taking a trip to the cultural hub of said culture, Vermont. The hierchary of this society starts with the Soccer Mom, then the overly aggressive Hockey coach who is Dad and finally the labrador in the back of the mini van. The last part of initiation within this club is getting a mystical and historic item that has been passed down from generation to generation, the ceremonial plaid shirt and the decorative khaki pants.

From now on when someone says what are your hobbies you will say

kayaking and then when you turn 40 say history.

It has been said,


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